Effortlessly import whole scenes to save time
August 7, 2024
Pro editor

Effortlessly import whole scenes to save time

Nobody likes doing the same work twice. Luckily there's no need to. Whereas previously, designers were able to import elements, we've added a feature that allows importing full scenes.

"Is there a difference between importing a scene and copy/pasting elements?", you may ask. Well, yes - there's an important additional benefit. Importing a scene provides you with both your desktop and mobile design. Importing elements individually for both screen-types is just too time consuming

Here's how to do it:

  • Go to the (empty) scene in the Pro editor you want to import elements to
  • Go to options and select 'import elements'
  • Find the project, page and eventually the scene you'd like to import
  • Select all elements and import
    • Note: the scene will need to be imported for desktop and mobile separately