Get inspired

A collection of the best interactive stories, cases and inspirational pages. Created by customers or our in-house design studio.

Studio case -
Counterpoint October 2020
This newsletter uses interactive graphs and charts to visually display the insights & results of Quintet.
This newsletter uses interactive graphs and charts to visually display the insights & results of Quintet.
This newsletter uses interactive graphs and charts to visually display the insights & results of Quintet.


Counterpoint October 2020
Studio case -
Jaarverslag 2021
In their interactive year report, ETZ combines mouse movement effects, custom animations and interactions to share their results in 2021.
In their interactive year report, ETZ combines mouse movement effects, custom animations and interactions to share their results in 2021.
In their interactive year report, ETZ combines mouse movement effects, custom animations and interactions to share their results in 2021.

annual report

Jaarverslag 2021
Studio case -
The Haunting History of Halloween
Just a fun page made for entertainment purposes and show the possibilities of our platform.
Just a fun page made for entertainment purposes and show the possibilities of our platform.
Just a fun page made for entertainment purposes and show the possibilities of our platform.

scrollytelling page

The Haunting History of Halloween
Studio case -
Strategic vision 2023-2026
New developments in medicine, such as innovative technologies and drugs, are expanding possibilities. The Nederlandse internisten vereniging emphasizes that these advancements must be evaluated for their contributions to the best care and quality of life for patients.
New developments in medicine, such as innovative technologies and drugs, are expanding possibilities. The Nederlandse internisten vereniging emphasizes that these advancements must be evaluated for their contributions to the best care and quality of life for patients.
New developments in medicine, such as innovative technologies and drugs, are expanding possibilities. The Nederlandse internisten vereniging emphasizes that these advancements must be evaluated for their contributions to the best care and quality of life for patients.


Strategic vision 2023-2026
Studio case -
Sustainability Update 2023
LC Packaging
This Sustainability Update 2023 not only celebrates LC Packaging's accomplishments, but also sets the stage for their future goals towards 2030.
This Sustainability Update 2023 not only celebrates LC Packaging's accomplishments, but also sets the stage for their future goals towards 2030.
This Sustainability Update 2023 not only celebrates LC Packaging's accomplishments, but also sets the stage for their future goals towards 2030.

CSR report

Sustainability Update 2023
LC Packaging
Studio case -
Mazda MX-5
This publication showcases all specs of the Mazda MX-5 such as colours, accessories, and prices.
This publication showcases all specs of the Mazda MX-5 such as colours, accessories, and prices.
This publication showcases all specs of the Mazda MX-5 such as colours, accessories, and prices.


Mazda MX-5
Studio case -
Counterpoint Outlook 2021
This report uses interactive graphs and gyro effects to visually display the insights & results of Quintet.
This report uses interactive graphs and gyro effects to visually display the insights & results of Quintet.
This report uses interactive graphs and gyro effects to visually display the insights & results of Quintet.


Counterpoint Outlook 2021
Studio case -
Retrofit for the Future
This interactive white paper argues to reuse and refurbish existing buildings to decrease carbon emissions. It is embedded directly into WSP's website.
This interactive white paper argues to reuse and refurbish existing buildings to decrease carbon emissions. It is embedded directly into WSP's website.
This interactive white paper argues to reuse and refurbish existing buildings to decrease carbon emissions. It is embedded directly into WSP's website.

white paper

Retrofit for the Future
Studio case -
Annual report 2023
Multipharma's first digital annual report made by our in-house team of designers, Maglr Studio.
Multipharma's first digital annual report made by our in-house team of designers, Maglr Studio.
Multipharma's first digital annual report made by our in-house team of designers, Maglr Studio.

annual report

Annual report 2023
Studio case -
Open standaardenbeleid
Forum Standaardisatie
In this interactive infographic, Forum Standaardisatie shares important insights between 2014 and 2016.
In this interactive infographic, Forum Standaardisatie shares important insights between 2014 and 2016.
In this interactive infographic, Forum Standaardisatie shares important insights between 2014 and 2016.


Open standaardenbeleid
Forum Standaardisatie
Studio case -
Digitale toekomst
Stad Antwerpen
Antwerp goes for digital first in its relationship with the citizen. In interactive magazine, the city of Antwerp introduces its strategy for the digital transformation.
Antwerp goes for digital first in its relationship with the citizen. In interactive magazine, the city of Antwerp introduces its strategy for the digital transformation.
Antwerp goes for digital first in its relationship with the citizen. In interactive magazine, the city of Antwerp introduces its strategy for the digital transformation.


Digitale toekomst
Stad Antwerpen
Studio case -
Jaarverslag 2019
In this interactive year report, GGN shares their results and approach for the future.
In this interactive year report, GGN shares their results and approach for the future.
In this interactive year report, GGN shares their results and approach for the future.

annual report

Jaarverslag 2019
Studio case -
Elektrisch rijden
In this multi-layered interactive brochure, Renault shows all you need to know about electric cars. From their costs, driving short or long journeys, and the necessary charging information.
In this multi-layered interactive brochure, Renault shows all you need to know about electric cars. From their costs, driving short or long journeys, and the necessary charging information.
In this multi-layered interactive brochure, Renault shows all you need to know about electric cars. From their costs, driving short or long journeys, and the necessary charging information.


Elektrisch rijden
Studio case -
Focus Magazine
Jan De Nul
Jan De Nul Focus bursts with surprising perspectives, beautiful images and the unrivalled expertise of their employees. Stunning visuals and fluent animations turn this magazine into an interactive experience that's loved by audiences all over the globe.
Jan De Nul Focus bursts with surprising perspectives, beautiful images and the unrivalled expertise of their employees. Stunning visuals and fluent animations turn this magazine into an interactive experience that's loved by audiences all over the globe.
Jan De Nul Focus bursts with surprising perspectives, beautiful images and the unrivalled expertise of their employees. Stunning visuals and fluent animations turn this magazine into an interactive experience that's loved by audiences all over the globe.


Focus Magazine
Jan De Nul
Studio case -
Annual report 2022
UZ Brussel
UZ Brussels 2022 annual report
UZ Brussels 2022 annual report
UZ Brussels 2022 annual report

annual report

Annual report 2022
UZ Brussel
Studio case -
The Future of Work
Absolute Software
This digital white paper guides the audience through the impact of COVID on the working environment and how organisations can tackle the security challenges of today.
This digital white paper guides the audience through the impact of COVID on the working environment and how organisations can tackle the security challenges of today.
This digital white paper guides the audience through the impact of COVID on the working environment and how organisations can tackle the security challenges of today.

white paper

The Future of Work
Absolute Software
Studio case -
Cijfers en Feiten
This interactive infographic offers a deep dive into the numbers of ETZ, which are brought to life using custom animations, effects, and pop-ups.
This interactive infographic offers a deep dive into the numbers of ETZ, which are brought to life using custom animations, effects, and pop-ups.
This interactive infographic offers a deep dive into the numbers of ETZ, which are brought to life using custom animations, effects, and pop-ups.


Cijfers en Feiten
Studio case -
Jaarverslag 2019
This annual report takes you through the most important numbers in an interactive way. Animations, pop-ups and multilayered pages turn this report into an engaging experience.
This annual report takes you through the most important numbers in an interactive way. Animations, pop-ups and multilayered pages turn this report into an engaging experience.
This annual report takes you through the most important numbers in an interactive way. Animations, pop-ups and multilayered pages turn this report into an engaging experience.

annual report

Jaarverslag 2019
Studio case -
Jaarmagazine 2022
ROC van Amsterdam
This interactive magazine shows their results over 2021 and the goals for 2022.
This interactive magazine shows their results over 2021 and the goals for 2022.
This interactive magazine shows their results over 2021 and the goals for 2022.


Jaarmagazine 2022
ROC van Amsterdam
Studio case -
Mobility Guide
Bax & Company
In this online presentation full of interactive tables, animations & charts, Bax & company shows how public and private organisations can collaborate to implement smart mobility solutions.
In this online presentation full of interactive tables, animations & charts, Bax & company shows how public and private organisations can collaborate to implement smart mobility solutions.
In this online presentation full of interactive tables, animations & charts, Bax & company shows how public and private organisations can collaborate to implement smart mobility solutions.


Mobility Guide
Bax & Company
Studio case -
DEPT Festival 2019
DEPT Agency
DEPT recaps their 2019 Festival in this interactive magazine, so everyone can reminisce this immersive experience.
DEPT recaps their 2019 Festival in this interactive magazine, so everyone can reminisce this immersive experience.
DEPT recaps their 2019 Festival in this interactive magazine, so everyone can reminisce this immersive experience.


DEPT Festival 2019
DEPT Agency
Studio case -
Bloesems 2022
This interactive magazine entices the audience with various things to do in Haspengow, and places you have to see.
This interactive magazine entices the audience with various things to do in Haspengow, and places you have to see.
This interactive magazine entices the audience with various things to do in Haspengow, and places you have to see.


Bloesems 2022
Studio case -
The Bold 24
Bold and Pepper
At Bold and Pepper, they deliver sustainable content collaborations with a team of experts, including strategists, designers, writers and directors. they invest in long-term client relationships and believe in the power of their people. Together, they set goals and KPIs for meaningful interactions and growth.
At Bold and Pepper, they deliver sustainable content collaborations with a team of experts, including strategists, designers, writers and directors. they invest in long-term client relationships and believe in the power of their people. Together, they set goals and KPIs for meaningful interactions and growth.
At Bold and Pepper, they deliver sustainable content collaborations with a team of experts, including strategists, designers, writers and directors. they invest in long-term client relationships and believe in the power of their people. Together, they set goals and KPIs for meaningful interactions and growth.


The Bold 24
Bold and Pepper
Studio case -
The Age of Inclusive Intelligence
In this interactive whitepaper, Dentsu shares what 30,000 customers and 20 experts expect in the next decade. Scrolling animations and mouse movement effects turn this whitepaper into an engaging experience.
In this interactive whitepaper, Dentsu shares what 30,000 customers and 20 experts expect in the next decade. Scrolling animations and mouse movement effects turn this whitepaper into an engaging experience.
In this interactive whitepaper, Dentsu shares what 30,000 customers and 20 experts expect in the next decade. Scrolling animations and mouse movement effects turn this whitepaper into an engaging experience.

white paper

The Age of Inclusive Intelligence
Studio case -
DOCKs data - figures and facts 2023
DOCKs professionals encourage residents to take control and initiate their own projects. Together, they build self-reliant communities where everyone has a place, becomes part of a network, and contributes to safe and inclusive neighborhoods.
DOCKs professionals encourage residents to take control and initiate their own projects. Together, they build self-reliant communities where everyone has a place, becomes part of a network, and contributes to safe and inclusive neighborhoods.
DOCKs professionals encourage residents to take control and initiate their own projects. Together, they build self-reliant communities where everyone has a place, becomes part of a network, and contributes to safe and inclusive neighborhoods.

annual report

DOCKs data - figures and facts 2023
Studio case -
Interactive sales tool
In this interactive sales presentation, Lamb Weston shows important key facts about their organisation, and in which areas they can assist their prospects.
In this interactive sales presentation, Lamb Weston shows important key facts about their organisation, and in which areas they can assist their prospects.
In this interactive sales presentation, Lamb Weston shows important key facts about their organisation, and in which areas they can assist their prospects.


Interactive sales tool
Studio case -
ESG report 2021
Smit & Zoon
Scrolling video & animations turned this report into an interactive experience that achieved strong results on viewer amounts and reading times.
Scrolling video & animations turned this report into an interactive experience that achieved strong results on viewer amounts and reading times.
Scrolling video & animations turned this report into an interactive experience that achieved strong results on viewer amounts and reading times.

CSR report

ESG report 2021
Smit & Zoon
Studio case -
Sustainability Report 2020
Euro Pool Group
In this interactive sustainability report, Euro Pool shares an update on ­the key activities and projects that they have been undertaking to reach their sustainability goals.
In this interactive sustainability report, Euro Pool shares an update on ­the key activities and projects that they have been undertaking to reach their sustainability goals.
In this interactive sustainability report, Euro Pool shares an update on ­the key activities and projects that they have been undertaking to reach their sustainability goals.

CSR report

Sustainability Report 2020
Euro Pool Group