December 2, 2024
- [N] Dashboard - Duplicating a project will also copy the project colors and styles when they will be released.
- [F] Dashboard - Fix for projects that didn't have the right project-type.
- [F] Dashboard - Duplicating a project wouldn't automatically fix the internal page links.
- [F] Dashboard - Color style for teams wouldn't always save correctly.
- [F] Pro - Scene links would sometimes scroll a bit too far.
- [F] Pro - Longpage zoom issues with the offset of animations.
- [F] Pro - Full-height elements that were screen-border positioned didn't have the right height.
- [F] Pro - Multilink caused problems on small long-page scenes.
November 18, 2024
Block editor
Pro editor
- [F] Dashboard - Some of the user settings wouldn't be saved.
- [F] Dashboard - Fixed a route where it was possible to add a block template to a stack publication.
- [F] Pro - Fixed a bug with the position of element with negative rotation.
- [F] Pro - Fixed a bug where a keyframe animation on the second scene would start with an offset.
- [F] Pro - Hidden elements would come in view on restart of scene.
- [F] Block & Pro editor - Moving files in the media library is fixed.
October 30, 2024
Pro editor
- [E] Frontend - Accessibility optimalisation in keeping focus inside the current page in stack publications.
- [F] Frontend - Z-index of sticky groups sometimes wasn't right.
- [F] Frontend - Blend mode didn't work in some situations.
- [F] Frontend - Some timeline animations restarted after 10 seconds.
- [F] Frontend - Some background or images would have a wrong ratio in PDF.
- [F] Frontend - Longpage zoom scroll keyframe animation fix.
- [F] Frontend - Fix for mobile keyframe animations not showing correctly.
- [F] Pro - Resetting mobile text would not respond sometimes.
- [F] Pro - Fix for Sketch import with opacity of heading not syncing right.
- [F] Pro - Inline textlink fix
- [F] Pro - Fix for richt text wordwrapping different in- and outside edit mode.
- [F] Pro - Screenborder positioning and rotation didn't show correctly.
- [F] Pro - Double click selection fix for texts selecting all text.
October 21, 2024
- [F] Frontend - A few grid rotation bugs are fixed.
- [F] Frontend - Problems with charts in zip-exports are fixed.
- [F] Pro & Block editor - Uploading flow for files has been fixed in a few places where something went wrong.
- [F] Pro - Video thumbnails showed 404 errors sometimes.
September 2, 2024
Pro editor
- [E] Pro - We made sure scroll animations couldn't be set on sticky elements.
- [E] Pro - Guides can now be dragged inside the rulers to delete them instead of outside the canvas (this wasn't handy on longpages).
- [E] Pro - Links in texts will not have a rel=nofollow.
- [F] Pro - Fix for rotations that messed things up when used on other scenes than the first one.
- [F] Pro - Rotation handle on elements works much better now.
August 21, 2024
- [E] iPad app downloads are faster.
- [F] Zip export fixes for wrong file paths.
- [F] Zip export title fix.
- [F] Fix for date picker in the US.
- [F] Frontend - Fix for viewport animations of element in the top of the page.
August 1, 2024
Pro editor
Block editor
- [E] Dashboard - App publishing is now a seperate flow inside the dashboard.
- [E] Pro - The gauge and bar components can now also start from other values than 0.
- [E] Pro - The thousand seperator can be configured much better in the components with a counter in it.
- [E] Pro - The counter components now show better in PDF exports.
- [F] Pro - Auto-width elements (text) stay auto-width when you drag on the not auto-width side.
- [F] Frontend - Created a fix for when users close stacked pages too fast.
- [F] Frontend - Created a fix for a white bar showing in some cases when the navigation was turned off.
- [F] Frontend - Fix for sidebar issues that wouldn't show up.
- [F] Block editor - A fix has been made for the 22 pixels offset when resizing certain elements.
June 5, 2024
Pro editor
- [N] Pro - Alt + drag now works to duplicate an element or group.
- [E] Pro - You can now select multiple elements to see and change the colors.
- [E] Pro - Images now also have the property "fit" to choose from. That way the image will always fit the container.
June 3, 2024
Pro editor
- [E] Pro - Full width & height is now disabled when an element has rotation.
- [F] Pro - Fix for SVG size when dropped on canvas.
- [F] Pro - Fix for full screen raw SVG images.
May 29, 2024
Pro editor
- [E] Pro - Added color label to select box for element action.
- [E] Pro - Added a duration setting for scroll to element links.
- [E] Pro - Image placeholder size and ratio can be changed now before an image is loaded.
- [E] Pro - You can now see the coördinates of the first frame of a keyframe animation.
- [E] Pro - Counter component now has more alignment options
- [F] PDF - A problem with white pages in PDF downloads is fixed.
- [F] Pro - Text styles would show the mobile style when switching back to desktop.
- [F] Pro - Sort children of group by order when dropping a group on mobile from desktop.
- [F] Pro - Drop mobile element on drop position even if desktop position is 0,0.
- [F] Pro - Slideshow element has now more overwritable options on mobile.
- [F] Pro - In some cases the image behind a mask wouldn't update immediately.
- [F] Pro - Reset full size if element is fullsize & element is added in a group from the element library on mobile.
- [F] Pro - Viewport animation stayed on element while page was converted to fullscreen.
- [F] Pro - A text area with a link and a text inside with a link would cause a situation where you couldn't remove the links.
- [F] Pro - Fullscreen slideshow showed wrong size when not completely visible on the screen.
- [F] Pro - Counter with delay and animation would start too early.
- [F] Pro - Fix for FontAwesome icons not working in some texts.
- [F] Dashboard - Fix for action selections inside the statistics screens.
- [F] Dashboard - Fixed the help links that didn't work.
April 11, 2024
Pro editor
- [N] Pro - New shortcuts for sizing texts cmd/ctrl + shift + , or .
- [N] Pro - New shortcut for hiding guidelines shift + r.
- [E] Pro - Button hover colors were more dominant then effects, effects can now overrule hover colors.
- [F] Pro - Double click focus on richt texts now works better.
- [F] Pro - Changing a link could be difficult because the cursor would change position.
- [F] Pro - Fix for sticky elements that would have an offset when set to full width.
- [F] Pro - Unsplash photos would only load 10 images, it now keeps loading sets of 30 photos again.
- [F] Pro - Fix for large image uploads in Pro editor.
March 25, 2024
Pro editor
- [E] Pro - Added a table menu and fixed multiple table bugs.
- [E] Pro - Toggle guidelines with shift+r.
- [E] Pro - Guidelines can be dragged on stage now instead of clicking in the rulers.
- [E] Pro - Remember snap option while toggling grid or guidelines.
- [E] Pro - Stripping HTML when pasting directly on canvas.
- [E] Pro - Reintroduced mobile disabled for all panels that use it (image, video, slideshow) and now embed and ImageButton join that list.
- [F] Pro - Added patch for scene layoutSettings to remove background images from mobile.
- [F] Pro - Fixed problem with height when importing images from sketch.
- [F] Pro - Images in sketch import that are set to proportional will stay proportional.
- [F] Pro - Added error text to publish error bar.
- [F] Pro - Opening a page with a deleted form works better now.
- [F] Pro - Fixed the save shortcut.
- [F] Pro - Full size elements could be dragged into a group and keep their position.
- [F] Pro - Table of contents links from Word will be stripped when pasting.
- [F] Pro - Show color preview even if the value is mixed.
- [F] Pro - Modifiers didn't show correct on full-height elements positions on border.
- [F] Pro - Fix for long page titles in backup menu.
- [F] Pro - Fixes hidden masks with mask visible, the part of the mask that was visible couldn't be hidden.
March 14, 2024
Block editor
- [F] Frontend - Fix for oauth frontend logins not seeing the preview bar.
- [F] Frontend - Fix for logging out of the frontend.
- [F] Frontend - Fix for content-gate bug.
- [F] Frontend - Fix for domains with an empty category showing all projects.
- [F] Block editor - quote component design fixed.
- [F] Dashboard - Fix for several small bugs in multi client logins.
- [F] Dashboard - Fix for scroll depth stats.
January 25, 2024
- [N] Pro - Chat right inside the editor now.
- [E] Pro - You can now drag multiple layers in de layer panel.
- [E] Pro - Color picker popup scrolls into view when necessary.
- [F] Pro - Deleting sketch files from the import list now works better.
- [F] Pro - Headings will use the same alignment as other items when dragged onto the mobile canvas.
- [F] Pro - Fix for the bounding box of fullwidth and full height elements that didn't always show correctly.
December 18, 2023
Fixes and enhancements
Pro editor
- [N] Pro - The multilink functionality, read more in our blog.
- [N] Pro - Components: Counter, Bar, Lottie, Gauge, Progressbar, read more in our blog.
- [E] In the navigation settings the url check has been improved.
- [E] The Twitter icon has been updated to X in the navigation environment.
- [E] The stats for pages work better on smaller screens now.
- [E] A better massage when adding a user that already exists.
- [E] Subpages now also can use the close sublevel buttons.
- [E] Pro - Shortcuts are enhanced for multiple keyboard layouts.
- [E] Pro - shortcuts don't work when an editor popup is active
- [F] Pro - a fix for selecting hidden elements in the other scenes.
- [F] Pro - Charts now work better in preview when there are multiple charts in a page.
- [F] Pro - importing elements with a viewport animation now are places in the right location.
- [F] Pro - numpad enter now also confirms name changes in layers.
- [F] Pro - numeric inpit for animation-duration work better now.
- [F] Pro - a bug in some context menu's on right click is fixed.
- [F] Pro - a bug with zooming behavior after switching pages is fixed.
- [F] Pro - dropping video's on the canvas could cause problem in uploading
November 2, 2023
Small changes
Pro editor
- [F] Fonts now work better in the pro-editor
- [F] Fixed a bug with cropping images in the pro-editor
- [F] Fixed a bug where elements on mobile would be placed too far down the page
October 13, 2023
Latest changes
Pro editor
- [N] Convert multiple rich text elements to headings
- [E] When drawing an element there is a minimum size now
- [E] Right aligned text aligns a bit better now
- [E] Layerpanel icon stays in place when moving the layerpanel to the left
- [F] Multiple sticky position bugs have been fixed
- [F] Small visual bug for masked line in layer panel
- [F] Fix for box-shadow on png images on mobile
- [F] Fix for element borders that weren't correct after switching pages after zooming
- [F] Background audio didn't always stop when closing the editor preview
- [F] Images with spaces caused problems in slideshows inside the editor
August 28, 2023
Some pro-editor changes
Pro editor
- [E] Put the scene box-shadow back.
- [E] Center the canvas when opening a page.
- [E] Disabled disproportional scaling of proportional element while holding shift key.
- [F] Fixed problems with inline links when the project was not selected.
- [F] Fixed a problem with slideshow images with spaces.
- [F] Changed the fly in notification for micro-content pages because preview links don't work in certain situations.
- [F] Fixed a situation where the save dialog when switching pages wouldn't work properly.
- [F] Fixed double link detection
July 20, 2023
Left side layer panel, canvas overflow & improved category selection
Pro editor
- [E] Pro - CTRL -> Scroll, now better zooms to current cursor position
- [N] Pro - Option to move layer panel to left side of the editor (read blog)
- [N] Pro - Option to show elements (semi-transparent) overflowing the canvas
- [E] Pro - Import screen now has a select-all elements option
- [E] Pro - Option to quickly unfold all folders in layer panel
- [E] Dashboard - Category selection in project settings also shows connected domain
- [E] Statistics - Added additional descriptions to explain different numbers
- [E] Statistics - Fixed grouping of unique visitors clicking an element in de detailed page view
July 4, 2023
- [E] The charts have a few more options and several bugs have been fixed.
- [F] Pro - Fixed some issues with placing embeds in the mobile view.
- [F] Pro - Fixed vector preview in mobile element library.
- [F] Pro - Resetting elements works more consistent on mobile.
- [F] Pro - Copy paste on mobile had some errors that have now been fixed.
- [F] Pro - Resizing groups changed the ratio sometimes, this has been fixed.