Add multiple actions to one element
July 31, 2024
Pro editor

Add multiple actions to one element

Guide your reader through your publications. Build seamless experiences by adding multiple actions to elements.

You may already be familiar with adding actions to elements. We took that a step further by enabling follow-up actions in certain cases. This is especially useful in, for example, having custom navigation from which you want to guide your user to a certain section with a scroll-to action followed by showing hidden elements - all requiring just one click.

Here’s how you do it:

  • Select the element you want to link your actions to
  • Select your first action
    • Note: multiple actions are not possible when your first action is to navigate to another page
  • Click the plus icon to add another action and configure
  • Test your interaction in preview mode

Multi-actions allow you to truly get creative and we encourage you to explore the potential, for example, in navigation. One-click can take you to different scenes and decide in which order elements need to appear or open pop-ups.

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