Create interactive white papers that convert

Engage your audience with rich, dynamic content, and convert leads with powerful interactive forms. Make your ideas stand out with our intuitive, no-code platform.

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Whom we have converted

Over 450 clients are using Maglr to generate leads, increase visibility and showcase their solutions.

Your service is the obvious soluton

Showcase your best ideas with a variety of interactive elements. Opt for a swift start with a simplified design that reflects your corporate identity.

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Your interactive white paper brings the obvious solution

Effortless lead generation

Get a grip on leads by seamlessly integrating content gates, passwords protection or other customisable forms.

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Effortlessly generate leads with your interactive white paper

Create, publish & share in seconds

Manage content centrally, publish in seconds and share across all channels. Enjoy unlimited publishing capabilities.

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Create publish & share your interactive white paper in seconds

Analyse interactions with real-time data

Measure real-time interactions within the native dashboard to make informed decisions about your content.

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Analyse interactions in your interactive white paper with real-time data

Start creating interactive white papers for only €200,- p/m

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You tell the story, we’ll make sure it’s read. After years of collaboration with all types of clients, we know the formula for success.

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Request a free demo and try out Maglr during a 14-day trial - no creditcard required.

Start creating interactive white papers at only €200,- p/m.
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Don’t stop at interactive white papers

Questions & information about interactive white papers

  • What is an interactive white paper?

    An interactive white paper is an electronic version of a traditional white paper that is created, distributed and accessed digitally. Typically, a white paper provides detailed information, analysis, and recommendations on a specific topic. They are characterised by their authoritative tone, objective presentation of information and focus on providing practical solutions to the reader, In contrast to print, interactive white papers may leverage interactive features such as hyperlinks, multimedia content, visualised data and animation to enhance engagement.

  • How do I design a great interactive white paper?

    A white paper is typically used to educate readers and help them understand a particular problem or solution. As they often provide a more in-depth analysis, insights and recommendations, a good design is crucial. Opting for an interactive white paper in contrast to static favours you with the option to add animations, hover effects, clickable buttons, nested content and much more. Such content is proven to be more interesting and engaging to the reader. Here are a few principles for a great interactive white paper:

    • Enhance readability through sections, numbered lists and bullet points
    • Use our data visualisation methods such as graphs, charts and diagrams when citing studies
    • Present a clear solution to a problem within 20 to 30 pages
    • Keep your reader engaged with visual elements, for example images, video and animations
    • End with a call to action, such as a request form for a free demo or subscription form.
    • Design for mobile as most readers might view your white paper on smaller devices.
  • Can I publish multiple interactive white papers for all my ideas?

    Absolutely! Each license includes an unlimited number of publications within the same environment. That means that your base domain name will be the same for all publications. Enjoy the possibility to create multiple variants and experiment to find what works best for your target audience.

  • Can I also use Maglr to create other digital publications, for example digital magazines, brochures, annual reports, interactive infographics or presentations?

    Maglr is suitable to create all types of creative content and allows you to introduce interactive elements to content that might otherwise be static. That includes digital adaptations of print formats, for example magazines, white papers, annual reports and infographics. However, also consider other digital interactive content possibilities such as landing pages, scrollytelling pages, feature highlights, presentations, microsites and snackable content. Check our inspiration page for more digital publishing examples.

  • Can I download my publication as a PDF?

    Depending on your license, we offer the option to download your publications as a PDF. However, please note that this converts your document into a static format, meaning interactions and animations will no longer work. Click here for more information on how to download your publication as a PDF.

  • How quickly can I design and publish my interactive white paper in Maglr?

    Maglr is a no-code software solution, meaning you don’t need any coding skills to get started. Even those with limited design experience will find Maglr highly intuitive, with numerous template options to quickly build your white paper. In essence, Maglr designed to assist you in creating your white paper as efficiently as possible, without compromising quality or design. The time required for design depends on your level of skill, the length of your content and the number of interactive elements and animations you would like to include. Nevertheless, tight deadlines are not a concern - we’ve got you covered. Click here for more information on our two editors.